Kayess Square Consulting is a Bangalore based consulting company founded in 2017 by Sathya Pramod, and Shivadutt Bannanje and mentored by Ravi Ananth who are senior professionals in the industry.

Whether you are a young upcoming startup or a matured company seeking scale, Kayess Square will help you navigate through all your business goals. Establishing & growing your company can have a major impact on your pathway to success. Our professionals have a deep understanding of how to seamlessly confront the many obstacles that may arise in the process while presenting you with opportunities for growth. You’ll gain a dedicated team that not only has extensive domestic & international backgrounds, but also serves as a reliable long-term advising partner.

Our professionals personally engage and foster strong client relationships. The only metric which is tracked by us is “how satisfied is the client”

Giving support and strength,
to all our clients always.

Client Testimonial

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